Beaumont Leys


Teaching team:



Contact Email

Mr Radford

Assistant Head teacher/Teacher of Geography

Mrs Barraclough

Head of Humanities

Miss Hargrave

Head of Geography

Ms Hopewell

Teacher of Geography

Mrs Hounsell

Teacher of Geography

Mrs Davies

Teacher of Humanities


Within the department we have technology facilities such as laptops and IPads available to use. Furthermore many lessons use a range of DVDs.

KS3 Curriculum

Year 7

Year 8

Our World (Map skills)

Journey through Africa



Pole to Pole

Geography of Crime

Endangered Planet

Saving Planet Earth

KS3 Assessment

All students will be assessed towards the end of each topic covered. This will be in a synoptic style to encourage students to revise and recall information from the lessons covered previously. There will be shorter questions as well as longer written answers in order to develop literacy skills which are imperative at GCSE. Within the assessments there will be skills elements in order to make them ‘think like Geographers’.

KS4 - Years 9, 10 and 11

OCR B Geography

This course is assessed by 3 exams; Our World, People and Society as well as Geographical Exploration.

Our Natural World - 70 Marks 1 hour 15 minutes written paper – 35% of total GCSE

People and Society- 70 Marks 1 hour 15 minutes written paper- 35% of total GCSE

Geographical Exploration- 60 marks 1 hour and 30 minutes written paper- 30% of total GCSE

KS4 topics covered

Our Natural World                                          

  • Global Hazards
  • Changing Climates
  • Distinctive Landscapes
  • Sustaining Ecosystems

People and Society

  • Dynamic Development
  • Urban Futures
  • UK in 21st Century
  • Resource reliance

Geographical Exploration is a module which students will draw upon geographical and mathematical skills in order to answer questions on an unseen paper.