Beaumont Leys

Your Options

Introduction to Year 8 Options 2024


The Options Process


Key Information

Completing your Options Online Choices:

This year we are using the ESS SIMS Options Online system for students to make their options choices.
In order to sign up and complete the Options Online process, please use the guide below:

** Options Online Signup Guide for Students 2024 **

Important Note: Once you have completed the initial sign up process for Options Online using the guide above, you can revisit the system using the link below and log in using Office 365  at any time up until the deadline. It is not a race and choices will not be looked at until the closing date.

A link to the login page is here:

** ESS Options Online **

Important Note:

** The parental confirmation part of the form is greyed out and does not need to be ticked in order to complete the Options Online process. **

The deadline for Options choices has now passed.

Options Booklet:

Please click the image below to download a copy of the Options Booklet for 2024:

** For any questions regarding the Options process, please email **

Options Blocks

* For more information see Page 5 of the Options Booklet.

Faculty Options Information

Below you will find videos for each Options subject. Along with the Options Booklet above we hope this will assist you in making your Options choices for next year.

Please click on the + symbol to expand the subject for more information:








ICT / Computer Science / Business  

Computer Science


iMedia (ICT)




Design Technology  

Food and Nutrition


Product Design




Creative Arts  



Performing Arts










Physical Health  



Health & Social Care





Leaflet from the Department for Education regarding EBacc (English Baccalaureate)