Beaumont Leys

Parents Evening System

Next Event(s)

Details of the next Parents Evening will be posted here when available.

This evening will be the final opportunity within this academic year to discuss your child’s progress with their subject teachers. We know that you will want to discuss how to best ensure your child meets their full potential and be ready for their next steps. This is the final push in their GCSE courses and it is crucial we all work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for your child.

You will have the opportunity to discuss with your child’s class teachers the progress your child has made within specific subjects as well as gain an insight into their attendance, punctuality and behaviour. Where a student is underachieving there will be information about what they need to do to improve their progress and grades.

Online Appointment Booking System

As you will be aware, we book subject evening meetings online using the appointment booking system. This will be the same for the live video parents evening. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with your child’s subject teachers. You will then receive an email confirming your appointments. 

To book an appointment using the online booking system please visit or scan QR code below:

2) Enter your contact information, your child’s full name and their date of birth to log in (these details should match what is on our school records).

3) Book the slot with their tutor.

Having your video appointment:

1) Log onto the same website as outlined point 1 and 2 above.

2) A blue box will appear up to 60 minutes before your first appointment. When your appointment is starting please the ‘Start Appointment’ button. Be sure to allow permission to any audio and video access pop up if shown on your phone or computer.

3) Your appointment will automatically roll through the time you arranged, please be sure to press ‘Start Appointment’ each time. If ever an appointment doesn’t start then refresh your page.

Linked below you will find a guide on how the video appointments work in the Parents Evening System as well as a troubleshooting page for camera and microphone issues:

Parent Guide:


Please note that appointments are limited to 5minutes and will disconnect automatically after this time.

Being a video appointment please ensure you are prepared in advance including being familiar with logging in etc. and that you are in appropriate surroundings in order to have a professional and purposeful conversations about your child’s progress.

If you have any questions regarding the Subject Evening or how to book your appointment please contact the school.

For any IT issues please email: and we will try to help where possible.

Information for Parents regarding Year 11 Exam Preparations 



Information for Parents regarding Flightpaths
