Beaumont Leys

Our Vision and Values 

Be Kind

Be Kind

Be Your Best Self

Be Your Best Self

Get out of your Comfort ZoneGet out of your Comfort Zone

Be a Custodian of the Future

Be a Custodian of the Future

First Time Every TimeFirst Time, Every Time

Make a Positive ContributionMake a Positive Contribution

Make the World a Better PlaceMake the World a Better Place

Peform Beyond ExpectationPerform Beyond Expectation

Be in the Right Place, at the Right Time, doing the Right ThingBe in the Right Place, at the Right Time, doing the Right Thing

Together We Achieve SuccessTogether We Achieve Success

Together We Achieve Success” is our motto and it is the first thing that you see on entry to our school.  We believe that an effective partnership between students, parents and school leads to success for all.

We have an ambitious vision for our school and have high expectations for what every student and teacher can achieve.  We believe that we are at our best when we are being one big family.  You can see this everywhere in our school, in our warm relationships, in our tough love approach and even in our “family photos” that are everywhere in our school.

We have three clear values which drive everything we do:

  • Ambition and Success: All students share our ambition and aspiration for them and they are enthusiastic, curious learners. They apply themselves consistently and work and think hard to build their skills, knowledge and understanding to turn their dreams into reality. We can all celebrate and be proud as they communicate their successes in increasingly scholarly ways.
  • Best Self: All students feel they belong, as positive members of our community. They are caring, thoughtful, empathetic and kind and take responsibility for themselves and others. They build positive relationships based on respect for themselves and others. As a result they develop, and allow everyone else to develop, as well-rounded, self-aware individuals.
  • Positive Future Selves: All students understand that they are responsible for their own destiny. They develop and display independence, resilience, leadership, positive attitude and self-management skills that allow them to thrive as engaged citizens. They take opportunities to make a positive difference, both now, in school and in the community, as well as in their future lives at work and in the world. They create rich memories of their school years.

We believe that students understand our values best through the key messages they hear in lessons, assemblies, events and corridors.  Our key messages are:

  • Together We Achieve Success
  • Be Your Best Self
  • Be Kind
  • Be in the Right Place, at the Right Time, doing the Right Thing
  • Get out of your Comfort Zone
  • Make a Positive Contribution
  • Be a Custodian of the Future
  • Make the World a Better Place
  • Perform Beyond Expectation
  • First Time, Every Time

We are very proud of what we achieve at our school; ultimately we are proud of the journey our students take with us, academically, socially and holistically.

Dawn Parkinson
