Beaumont Leys



As an innovative faculty we are constantly developing. We create all of our own resources and differentiate our teaching to meet the needs of individual students. 

We regularly use technology in our lessons (laptops and Ipads) and subscribe to a number on online resources to support students in their learning.

We also have 2 MLAs (Modern Language Assistants), 1 for French or 1 for Spanish, who work with small groups of students to work on speaking and to develop their cultural awareness of the country of the language they are studying.

KS3 Curriculum


Y7 – numbers, colours, family, pets, home life, school, freetime

Y8 – Town, festivals/celebrations, studies, food, holidays.  Students also have the opportunity to study a film in the target language.

Homework:  students have a booklet and a weekly homework is given out from this booklet.  Students must use the ‘look/cover/check’ grid to revise for a weekly vocabulary test in class.  There is also a translation and grammar task below the grid.

Students are acknowledged and rewarded for completing each homework on time and in full.

KS3 Assessment

Students are assessed once a term in two of the four skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking.  Students are given timely AFL and preparation lessons and their homework is then to revise for this assessment.


GCSE French (AQA)

GCSE Spanish (AQA)

List web links to useful documents – specification, past papers, revision sites etc:

KS4 Assessment

Examinations at end of Y11 (Speaking in the April, the rest May/June)

  • Listening 25% of final grade
  • Speaking 25% of final grade
  • Reading 25% of final grade
  • Writing 25% of final grade

Students will be entered for either Higher or Foundation tier for all 4 skills.

Please follow the link for specific assessment details:

KS4 topics covered

Theme 1: Identity and culture

Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest

Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

Please click the link below for more specific details:

MFL Enjoyment and Rewards

Reward systems in MFL

In the MFL department we operate a simple points system to reward positive behaviour.  Points can be awarded points for doing jobs for a teacher, answering questions in class, winning a team game etc…  At the end of each lesson, the top boy and girl receive a BLS good news postcard home and a reward point.

We also have a ‘Student of the month’, nominated by staff.  They receive a certificate, badge and hot drink/cake voucher to spend in the school dining hall.

Homework certificates – Every time a student shows evidence of revision for their weekly vocabulary test and achieves the pass mark, their teacher will stamp a square in their MFL passport and make their own record.  When a student has completed 6 homeworks in full and on time, they will receive a pencil, certificate and reward points. An overall winner from each year group is then chosen at random to receive a £10 voucher.

MFL Trips Abroad

We aim to run a trip to either France or Spain every year.  These trips are usually open to our KS4 students and Y8/9 students, meaning most students will get to experience both trips during their time at BLS, should they wish to.  The trips are a very special experience for our students, allowing them to experience the culture of the country of the language they are studying, try out their French or Spanish and increase their confidence and communication skills.

Teaching team:



Contact Email

Mrs Meredith

FTL and teacher

Mrs Kirkham

AFTL and teacher

Mrs Leighton


Mrs Allden Murby

English / MFL Teacher