Beaumont Leys

Our Expectations

 At Beaumont Leys, we have the highest possible expectations of our students around both their behaviours, their aspirations and their respect for others. We work hard to promote these values at every opportunity and support our students to make the best choices. Full details about those expectations are provided on the linked pages in the main menu, or can be found within the below areas.

Our Behaviour

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”  - Aristotle (Greek Philosopher)

The BLS Behaviour Curriculum defines the behaviours and habits that we expect students to demonstrate and is underpinned by our school motto “Together We Achieve Success”. The BLS Behaviour Curriculum is designed to promote and explicitly teach good behaviour as a mechanism by which all students can engage and learn.

We strive to create a culture which demands high expectations of staff and students whilst demonstrating respect, tolerance and understanding of difference. Through encouraging positive behaviour patterns we build good relationships throughout our school. We believe that as students practise these behaviours over time they become habits that positively shape how they feel about themselves and, in turn, how others perceive them.

At the heart of all that we do with regards to behaviour, is recognising, rewarding and celebrating good behaviour and work ethic. Our ‘Gold Standard Behaviour’ system rewards all of the messages and values we hold dear.

Behaviour Documentation

Click here to learn more about our Positive Behaviour Curriculum

Click here to learn more about our Gold Standard Behaviour system

Click here for our Behaviour Policy

Our Uniform

Our school uniform demonstrates the high standards we strive for everyday as a school. It is smart and helps to unify us as a community. We are keen to ensure that school uniform is worn correctly and with pride. We uphold a clear expectation that all students should adhere to the school uniform policy. Please see details below of our current uniform policy.

Click here for our current Uniform Guidance document

As always, we thank you for your support.

The school reserve the right to decide on the suitability of any item of clothing.

Purchasing School Uniform

Uniform can be purchased in the following ways:

Uniform Direct Website

Our Homework